Hemisphere Calculator

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Volume of Hemisphere = (2/3)πr³
Curved Surface Area(CSA) of Hemisphere = 2πr²
Total Surface Area(TSA) of Hemisphere = 3πr²

r = radius, π = 3.14

A Hemisphere is a half sphere, one half of a sphere or globe that is divided by a plane passing through its center.

A Hemisphere is a half of a sphere on one side of a great circle. I geometry, hemisphere is defined as an exact half of a sphere. It also refers to half of the earth, such as the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere.

Find the volume, curved surface and total surface area of a hemisphere with the given radius 2.

Step 1: Find the volume.
Volume = (2/3)πr³ = (2/3) * 3.14 * 2³ = 0.67 * 3.14 * 8 = 16.8304

Step 2: Find the curved surface area (CSA).
Curved Surface Area(CSA) = 2πr² = 2 * 3.14 * 2² = 6.28 * 4= 25.12

Step 3: Find the total surface area (CSA).
Total Surface Area(TSA) = 3πr² = 3 * 3.14 * 2² = 9.42 * 4 = 37.68


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