Oxidizing - Reducing Calculator

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equivalentweight of oxidising / reducing agents = Molecular mass/ Number of electrons lost or gained by one molecule

An oxidizing agent (also called an oxidant, oxidizer or oxidiser) can be defined as a substance that removes electrons from another reactant in a redoxchemical reaction. The oxidizing agent is "reduced" by taking electrons onto itself and the reactant is "oxidized" by having its electrons taken away. Oxygen is the prime example of an oxidizing agent, but it is only one among many.

In simple terms:

  1. The oxidizing agent is reduced.
  2. The reducing agent is oxidized.
  3. All atoms in a molecule can be assigned an oxidation number. This number changes when an oxidant acts on a substrate.
  4. Redox reactions occur when oxidation states of the reactants change.

A substance that chemically reduces other substances, especially by donating an electron or electrons is termed as Oxidising or reducing agent.

  • Oxidation is gain of oxygen.
  • Reduction is loss of oxygen.

Calculate the equivalent weight of oxidizing/reducing agents.
Molecular mass = 25
Number of electrons lost or gained by one molecule = 30

Apply Formula:
(equivalentweight of oxidising / reducing agents = Molecular mass/ Number of electrons lost or gained by one molecule)

Equivalent weight of oxidizing/reducing agents = 0.8333333333333334 


  1. Definitions of oxidation and reduction (redox).
  2. Oxidation and Reduction.
  3. Definitions of Oxidation and Reduction - Chemistry LibreTexts.
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