Coefficient Of Variation calculator

Enter values in input box to calculate coefficient of variation by using this Coefficient Of Variation calculator.

CV = σμ CV = s
Sample Population

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Cv = σ / μ

Coefficient of Variation is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation σ to the mean μ. Coefficient of Variation is a statistical measure of the dispersion of data points in a data series around the mean. The coefficient of Variation is measured as the standard deviation divided by the mean. It is also sometimes expressed as a percentage form. The coefficient of variation should only be computed for data measured on a ratio scale.

The coefficient of variation is an attribute of a distribution. The online Coefficient of Variation Calculator is used to calculate and find the coefficient of dispersion of a probability distribution by just entering the set of numbers that are separated by the comma.

Calculate the coefficient of Variation for the given details.
Enter the range of values (seperated by comma) = 1, 2, 1,5,1,6,8,2,0

Apply Formula:
Cv = σ / μ
Cv = 0.34523781368171763

Variation Coefficient (CV) = 0.34523781368171763

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