Electron Gain Calculation

Drift velocity refers to the average velocity of a carrier that is moving under the influence of an electric field in a semiconductor, conductor, or electron tube. In a current-carrying circuit, a charged particle is accelerated by an electric field. It also undergoes frequent collisions with the stationary ions of the wire material.

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    V = I /(n*Q*A)

    This advanced online Drift Velocity Calculation tool is used to calculate and find the drift velocity of electrons.

    Calculate the drift velocity for the given details.
    Flow of current (I) = 20
    Number of electrons (n) = 30
    Cross section of area of wire (A) = 15
    Charge of electron (Q) = 10

    Apply Formula:
    V = I /(n*Q*A)
    V = 20/(30*15*10)
    V = 20/ 4500
    V = 0.0055555555
    Drift velocity V) = 0.0055555555

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