Newton's law of cooling calculator

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T (t) = Ts + (To - Ts)*e^(-k*t)

Newton's Law of Cooling is used to form the temperature change of an object of some temperature placed in an environment of a different temperature. Newton's Law of Cooling states that the hotter an object is, the faster it cools.

More precisely, the rate of cooling is proportional to the temperature difference between an object and its surroundings.

Newton's Law makes a statement about an immediate rate of change of the temperature. This Newton's law of cooling calculator is used to calculate the temperature of the object at a given period of time.

Calculate the law of cooling of the object for the given details.
Time (t) = 11
Surrounding constant temperature (Ts) = 30
Initial temperature of the object (To) = 10
Core Temperature (T) = 20

Apply Formula:
T (t) = Ts + (To - Ts)*e^(-k*t)
k = LOG ((20-30)/(10-30))
k = -0.301029996
EXP (-0.301029996*11) = 0.036467641
T (t) = 30+(10-30) * 0.036467641 = 29.27064717
T (t) = 29.27064717 = 30
Temperature of the object at time t T(t): 30 (F)

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